The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaching helps people tap into their potential, unlocking sources of creativity and productivity.
Global Wellness Center tailors the supportive experience to fit your needs. We will utilize our sessions to address relevant issues in your life (transitions, professional and creative goals, confidence building, relationships, vocational burnout).
The Wellness Journey is a six week process of holistically assessing your current situation, clarifying your vision and setting up a tangible plan for creating the lifestyle you envision. Sometimes, things just are not flowing smoothly in life. We get stuck, we hit bumps, we get trampled on. Together, we can sort through the layers, set goals and create an intentional plan for getting out of the muck and getting back on your game. Take the full Wellness Journey (6 sessions) or utilize single sessions. You have options! Remember that our relationship begins with a complimentary consultation where you are able to meet the coach (That's me, Jamie) and discuss what options are best for you. Schedule a COMPLIMENTARY SESSION today. |
It's not about mastering the outcome. It's about mastering the process. |